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Date posted: 10/3/2022
Halloweeny Time
I really kinda forgot about this thing, didn't I? Some stuff has happened since my last post. Getting a job, a car, and most importantly...
It's Halloween Time
Though to be honest, I've never been into Halloween. My family always has, but I've never felt it as much. However, I still felt like this site deserved a face lift for the holiday. However, the truly horrifying thing is...

Yeah, that's about it for now. Though one thing I can bring up is, as of now, I've completed a let's play on Youtube. It's pretty basic, but I still enjoyed making it. You can view it with this link:
The thing I just said
Now that's actually it this time.
See you around, and stay SPOOPY!!
Date posted: 9/9/2022
Playin' a game!
Guess what game just came out?
SPLATOON 3!!!!!!!!!!!!
A game I've only been waiting years to play! And it's super fun! I've been loving every second of it!
I got to spend all day playing it. I wouldn't have it any other way.
I also had pizza for dinner tonight. I've been craving it all week, and it was exactly what I needed.
Anyway, I've been thinking about talking about my history with video games. They're... kind of my entire life if you couldn't tell.
Not today though. I'll wait until later. Maybe tomorrow. Probably tomorrow.
Anyway, that's all for today. See you around, and stay amazing!!
Date posted: 9/3/2022
Saw a movie
Today, I went and saw a movie today. It was called "Bullet Train". It was a pretty good one! Our local theater was doing a special, where every movie today would only cost $3 a ticket. So of COURSE we went and saw one today.
Bullet Train is about an agent on the bullet train in Tokyo trying to obtain a case full of ransom money. It's pretty entertain, if pretty gruesome. I had to look away multiple times during the movie. Intestines were a favorite of the director.
I really hope I could travel to Japan someday. It seems like such a fun place to visit. Maybe I could even live there. I don't know how well it would go, though. I don't know a whole bunch about the place. Just from media and the occasional vlogger who goes over there. But it seems fun regardless.
Recently, I ordered a package. And guess what?
So now I've gotta send the package back to the sellers and get what I ACTUALLY ordered back from them. All of which will take around 2 weeks.
You can tell how upset I am by how many u's I put in that last line. I put so many, it left the background. Didn't even know that was possible!
That's about all that's happened to me today. See you around, and stay amazing!!
Date posted: 9/2/2022
Check it out!
I've started a blog! You know, that thing people did back in the 90's or 2000's or something like that. Well, now I'M doing it!
What will I be talking about?
Or, more specifically, anything I feel like. What I did in a day? My history? Video games? TV shows? Video games? Current events? Video games?...
Okay, mostly video games. But still, I could talk about just about anything. And the raw anticipation of that should keep you all checking back here each day!
both of you...
Anyway, that's all for today! New blog posts will appear above this one!
See you around, and stay amazing!!